Giles County Farmers Market
110 110 North Second Street Courthouse Square Come visit and take a look. The farmers market is located in Pulaski, Tennessee at 110 110 North Second Street Courthouse Square. Phone to find out about its selection of vegetables, local specialties, crafts, fruits and organic food. Hours are March-November Saturday. Use the Edit link if you shop at this market to help people find out about what is offered. ReviewIf you've shopped at Giles County Farmers Market, tell us what you think of the market. ReviewsI am actually from Houston County in Tennessee and I go to Pulaski on some Saturday's to visit my grandmother; I always make time to stop for the farmers mkt. and the one thing that means more to me than anything else is the people that make the kettle corn. Why? Because my granny loves to eat it and I know that gives her happiness. Now that the mkt. is closed I do not know how to contact the people who make the wonderful kettle corn and my granny speaks of it every time I go visit. If you could get that information for me it sure would make a 93 year old granny and her grandaughter very happy and grateful. -- Cindy Averitte |