McComb Farmers Market
Downtown Parking Garage Stop by and check it out. The farmers market is located in McComb, Mississippi at Downtown Parking Garage McComb, MS 39648. Phone to find out about its selection of local specialties, vegetables, fruits, organic food and crafts. Hours are June 7-August 30 Thursday, 8:00 a.m.- 1:00 p.m. Use the Edit link if you shop at this market to tell us more about what is sold. ReviewIf you've shopped at McComb Farmers Market, tell us what you think of the market. ReviewsI love this Farmer's Market! There is always a great assortment of fresh grown vegetables, as well as plants, handmade jewelry, Watkin's products, some toys and novelties, jellies, jams, candles, and more! My favorite thing I've found there is Progress Farms' fresh, delicious, milk where the cream rises to the top! -- manda |